Susan, Dev and Danielle’s Stories

Susan, Dev and Danielle
Susan, Dev and Danielle each have high functioning autism and they live independently in their own flats with minimal home care support from Blue Sky Enabling with their individual small team of staff of 1 or 2 enablers.
Susan has support from her Blue Sky Enabling staff 3 times a week to collect her money from the bank, buy her shopping and to keep her flat clean and tidy. Susan is cautious who she mixes with but she likes to go out for coffee and a meal with her staff.
Dev has his own circles of friends and a girlfriend. He also has a job but he found he was getting into difficulties organising his correspondences and finances and this was building into an issue of concern for him and a threat to his tenancy. Dev has support from his Blue Sky Enabling staff twice a week for a couple of hours to go through his correspondences and to support him to attend meetings. Dev is very proud that with support he has resolved all his outstanding issues.
Danielle works in the evenings and enjoys walking her dog during the day. She likes mixing with people she knows but is very cautious of developing new relationships. Danielle uses her wages to collect characters from sci-fi and adventure films. She has support from her Blue Sky Enabling staff once a week to plan her meals, go shopping and to tidy her flat. If there is time she will cook with her enabler.